Millennial's Late Car Payments

When the government shutdown hit last December, I wondered what the "ripple" wave effect would be. The first signs I noticed were the large number of TSA workers who refused to come to work because they were not getting paid. I specifically watched how that situation would play out because the TSA worker represents an "entry point" for various types of government workers. We would then hear the stories of people having struggles with their landlords regarding rents and mortgages. The stories of suffering were so widespread that I started to wonder..Who is feeling the pinch just as bad(but not getting the same news coverage)? The answer came in the form of a Federal Reserve Bank of New York report. Seven million Americans are 90 days behind on their car payments. I have been there before (in my much younger days), and when I read the article I came to realize that our growing adults are trying to navigate the seas of responsibility the same way most of us had to in our younger years. Check out the full story here .


Photo: Getty Images

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