The Social Media Liar

I remember the first time I ever used social media. I was dating a girl who was a student at the University of Kansas. One day she showed me Facebook and how it connects students from various colleges. I thought it was so cool that I asked her if I could find my younger cousin who was in college at the time. When I found my cousin Lee, my then girlfriend mentioned that only students could open accounts and that the message I was sending would appear with her face. I had to convince Lee that it was really me and not the cute girl in the picture talking to him!

Fast forward to today and Facebook is for all. I'm mostly typing behind the scenes on our 97.7 page (or you can connect directly with me here) and to be honest..I share too much.

But it's not a lie!

Check out the things people are most likely to lie about on social media. You may recognize some of them!


Photo Credit: Getty Images

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